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Interest Centers

Council Oaks Learning Campus believes that children learn by hands on experiences. We provide well defined areas for children where they can learn through play and exploration. Through careful planning and proper arrangements of centers, they are able to explore, create, experiment, and manipulate their environment to better understand the world around them.

In the SCIENCE CENTER children learn:

•  To explore the natural and mechanical worlds

•  To observe orderly sequences and sequences of life

•  To formulate and evaluate predictions

•  To observe the relationships between and among sizes

•  To gather simple data and to draw conclusions

•  Methods of classifications to classify material

In the MATH CENTER children learn:

•  To identify shapes and numerals

•  To relate life experience to math

•  To sequence numerals and to classify objects one-to-one correspondence

•  How to make comparisons to see the relationships of concrete objects

In the LANGUAGE CENTER children learn:

•  To identify letters of the alphabet

•  To relate objects to words

•  Word recognition and association

•  Vowel and consonant sounds and recognition

•  Tools for later reading pronunciation of words

In the PUZZLE AND MANIPULATIVE children learn:

•  To develop perceptual discrimination by shape, color, size, directions, detail and design

•  To practice hand-eye coordination

•  To practice problem solving

•  To experience a sense of achievement and develop self confidence

•  To complete a task and to be responsible for cleaning up after self


•  To develop self-confidence

•  To act out familiar situations, try on family roles and work out problems and concerns

•  To develop muscles, coordination, oral language skills, and math readiness

In the LISTENING CENTER children learn:

•  A sense of rhythm and tone

•  Additional memory skills

•  Differentiation among sounds

•  Opportunities for self expression

•  As eagerness to hear stories

•  New language patterns

•  To listen to the ideas of others

•  An awareness of environmental sounds

In the BLOCK CENTER children learn:

•  To develop hand-eye coordination

•  To explore special relationships

•  To compare sizes and shapes

•  To develop large and small muscle coordination

•  How to work and plan together

•  To become aware of organizing and measuring

•  To become aware of problem solving techniques

In the ART CENTER children learn:

•  Creativeness through planning, designing and constructing an idea

•  Satisfactory ways of expressing ideas

•  Experimentation with color, sizes, various textures and configurations

•  Hand-eye coordination and better fine muscle control for later writing tools

•  Respect for artistic expressions of others

•  To develop their visual and tactile skills

In the BOOK CENTER children learn:

•  To respect and care for books

•  To imagine events and situations

•  Storytelling and dictation of stories

•  Sequencing of pictures

•  Left to right progression

•  The interpretation of pictures and details

In the SAND AND WATER TABLE children learn:

•  Role playing

•  Making comparisons

•  Hand-eye coordination

•  Measurements and weights

•  Oral language by interaction with peers

•  To complete a task and to be responsible for cleaning up after self